Priobskoye Field

Priobskoye Field


The Priobskoye oil field in northwest Siberia is one of Russia’s largest and most important petroleum assets. Discovered in 1982, Priobskoye quickly became a giant field producing close to 1 million barrels per day at its peak in the late 1980s. Its development marked a major chapter in the USSR’s drive to maximize oil production.

Over 1 billion barrels have been extracted from Priobskoye to date, demonstrating the immense resources of Russia’s West Siberian Basin. While now mature after years of production, enhanced recovery techniques continue to maintain substantial output. Priobskoye remains a vital part of Russia’s top producing region.

This article provides an overview of Priobskoye’s discovery, rapid production buildup, and current status as a key asset for Russia. The giant field exemplifies the nation’s commitment to fully develop its prolific but often challenging oil resources in remote areas through technology and determination.

Discovery and Appraisal

The Priobskoye oil field was discovered in 1982 after over a year of challenging exploration in the remote swampy terrain of northwest Siberia. The first discovery well, Priobskaya-1, was spudded in 1981 and struck oil in Jurassic sandstone reservoirs at a depth of about 10,000 feet.

Further appraisal drilling defined a giant field holding over 5 billion barrels of light crude in place. The high-quality 34-42 API oil in multiple stacked reservoirs was a major prize in Russia’s quest for new reserves.

However, the swampy permafrost, lack of transport infrastructure, and extreme climate posed difficulties for quick development. With improved well design, construction of roads and pipelines commenced to bring Priobskoye into production and boost the USSR’s output.

Rapid Production Buildup

Following discovery, the Soviet Union focused maximum effort on swiftly bringing the supergiant Priobskoye field into production. Well pads were constructed by draining swamp areas and pouring gravel over the permafrost. An 210 mile export pipeline was built to link the remote field to infrastructure.

Hundreds of development wells were drilled, with completion techniques tailored to the complex geology. By the late 1980s, Priobskoye was producing close to 1 million barrels per day – equal to some OPEC nations at the time. Enormous investment expedited output.

Supporting infrastructure expanded to handle the sheer volumes, including gas processing for fuel. Waterflooding was implemented for pressure maintenance and enhanced oil recovery. Priobskoye propelled the USSR to peak oil output over 11 million barrels a day.

Enhanced Recovery Efforts

To maximize production from the expansive Priobskoye reservoirs, the USSR implemented various enhanced oil recovery techniques in the 1990s.

Waterflooding was used to maintain reservoir pressures and sweep additional oil to wells. Over 180 water injection wells were drilled and millions of barrels injected daily.

Well stimulations like hydraulic fracturing were increasingly utilized to improve flow. Horizontal drilling also expanded to target bypassed zones.

Chemical flooding pilots tested use of surfactant polymers for EOR. Gas injection provided another pressure maintenance method and improved oil mobility.

These enhanced efforts succeeded in recovering more oil and slowing decline rates. Advanced technologies kept Priobskoye’s mature wells productive as development shifted to newer fields.

Current Status and Operations

Today Priobskoye remains one of Russia’s largest producing oil fields, though output is below peak levels. Operator Gazprom Neft focuses on maintaining stable production through new wells and enhanced recovery.

Over 1500 production and injection wells now dot the landscape, managed from multiple production centers. Regular well workovers and stimulations improve results. The field yields around 200,000 barrels per day.

New development wells continue to be drilled, though limited in recent years. Existing pipelines and facilities handle processing and transport of oil to refineries.

Advanced analytics and digital sensing technology help optimize waterflooding and reservoir management. Priobskoye operations provide valuable expertise for the company to apply across Russia.

While past peak, Priobskoye continues supplying vital crude volumes thanks to sustained innovations to extract remaining resources. The field will likely keep producing for decades owing to its massive oil in place.

Geology and Remaining Potential

The Priobskoye field covers an area of over 170 square km with complex geology containing multiple oil-bearing layers. Five separate zones of Jurassic sandstone hold light oil deposits throughout the structure.

The stacked reservoirs range from 10,000-13,000 feet in depth. Oil density varies across the field from 34-42 API gravity. Remaining reserves are estimated at over 1 billion barrels from the original 5 billion barrels in place.

Advanced 3D seismic imaging over the years has provided critical subsurface detail for optimizing well placements. But the tricky geology still poses drilling challenges requiring improved technology.

While around 60% depleted, Priobskoye likely holds substantial undiscovered compartments of oil missed by early drilling. Infill wells, horizontal drilling, and enhanced recovery can unlock remaining resources.

Sustaining Priobskoye has depended on adapting to the difficult terrain and complex reservoirs. Continued innovations will be key for Russia to extract full value from this supergiant.

Significance for Russia

The Priobskoye field holds vital importance for Russia as a prolific source of petroleum in its key West Siberian producing region. Since beginning production in the 1980s, Priobskoye has yielded over 1 billion barrels of high-value light crude for Russian energy supply.

Rapid development of the giant discovery demonstrated the USSR’s technical capabilities and commitment to maximize oil production as an economic priority. Massive investment delivered substantial energy resources.

Priobskoye remains a top Russian asset today, supporting the country’s position among the world’s leading oil producers. Continued efforts enhance productivity from the aged field through modern techniques.

The supergiant Priobskoye represents a major achievement of Russian engineers in conquering harsh environments and complex geology. Its reserves boost Russia’s petroleum potential for decades to come.


In conclusion, the Priobskoye oil field stands as one of Russia’s most important petroleum assets. Its discovery in the early 1980s marked a new giant find in the prolific West Siberian Basin. Quick development delivered immense production that propelled the USSR to become top oil nation.

Over 1 billion barrels of light crude have been extracted from Priobskoye to date. While maturing, optimized operations and enhanced recovery maintain substantial output. Priobskoye’s complex geology has been mastered through advanced technologies.

As a core part of Russia’s leading production region, Priobskoye will continue supplying vital barrels for years to come. Its development highlights Russia’s hydrocarbon potential and capabilities that must be sustained through innovation. Priobskoye represents a milestone for the country’s energy sector.

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